c21 Theatre Company
Fionnuala is Company Manager and a creative facilitator at c21 Theatre Company, Belfast.
Our Stories Scene and Heard
As a Creative Reminiscence Facilitator on c21 Theatre Company’s Our Stories Scene and Heard project, Fionnuala uses a broad range of creative techniques to engage care home residents in the telling of their stories. Project outcomes include memory books and films.
In 2024, Fionnuala wrote a song to accompany a short documentary of the Our Stories Scene and Heard project. Entitled Taken, the song communicates an inspirational message from one care worker, Kathryn Mitchell, to new people entering the profession. The song is told through the eyes of the older person and includes insights gained from Fionnuala’s own experience of working on the project.

Creative Coast
Creative Coast was a 12-week community arts project, facilitated by Fionnuala Fagan-Thiébot and Stephen Kelly. The project was produced by c21 Theatre Company in partnership with The Old Church Centre, Cushendun, engaging residents from The Glens of Antrim.
The Creative Coast sound installation, created by Fionnuala Fagan-Thiébot, showcases spoken word poetry written during workshops by residents of The Glens of Antrim, and uses authentic field recordings of Glens locations as underscore. This work was installed at The Big Arts Weekend, Glenmona House, Cushendun, May 2024 and a live community performance of the work closed the festival.