Lisnabreeny Townland

Four movements for Solo Flute and Fixed Sound Design commissioned by Belfast’s Hard Rain SoloistEnsemble.


I. Cregagh Canopy

II. Cregagh Climb

III. Lisnabreeny Lookout

IV. Lisnabreeny Rath (Fort of the Faery Dwelling)

Programme Note

Lisnabreeny Townland is inspired by a series of uphill walks to the ancient and well preserved Lisnabreeny Rath ‘thought to have been built between 500 and 1000 AD on the highest point in the Castlereagh Hills’. This place visibly and tangibly links us to an ancient past. The ascent from the bottom of Cregagh Glen towards it presents tree cover, bird song, streams, cascading waterfalls, and a climb to high vistas overlooking tumbling fields and an exposed vantage point over the city of Belfast. Dappled light permeates the Rath, encircled by an oft-high wind and old trees that protect this ancient homestead. ‘Lisnabreeny’ gives the local townland its name. The meaning, ‘Fort of the Faery Dwelling’, indicates the rath’s connections to Irish mythology and a cultural belief in faeries, a dark and supernatural phenomenon.

Through newly created sound design, and an exploration of extended techniques and the haunting, versatile and playful potential of the flute, Lisnabreeny Townland explores atmospheres inspired by this highly evocative place.

The first movement, Cregagh Canopy, reimagines the sound world of the forested area that commences the ascent towards Lisnabreeny Rath. Even under tree cover, there is no escaping the sound of the A55 dual carriageway. Through amplification of natural world sounds, like native bird song and water, Cregagh Canopy, escapes the zooming car engines to magnify the still felt presence of the ancient in this space. The second movement, Cregagh Climb, references an Irish slip jig through its time signature, and playfully alludes to the physical experience of climbing. The third movement, Lisnabreeny Lookout, is played in the style of an Irish slow air, inspired by an exposed vantage point overlooking the city of Belfast, and a near-by dark presence, of faeries. The fourth movement, Lisnabreeny Rath (Fort of the Faery Dwelling), impishly reimagines the sonic world of the rath, based on its connections to Irish mythology and an age-old belief in faeries.

Performances took place at Ulster University, Derry, 31 January 2025, and Queen’s University, Belfast, 1 February 2025.

( Opera Journal Full Review Here )

Audio and video of the performance coming soon!!!!

Copyright © 2024 Fionnuala Fagan-Thiébot

Your lovely piece occupied an important place in that program; you made a beautiful environment for us all to slip into.
— Ian Wilson, Composer
Lisnabreeny Townland, emphasised how music is all around, how sounds inspire music and how music can strive not just to imitate natural sounds but seek to embrace them and invite the listener to hear them in a fresh context.
— Noel Megahy, Opera Journal